Dear Devotees,
New road and entrance to Kundrathu Kumaran Temple is now open
The new address for the Temple is 1 Murugan Street, Deanside Vic 3336 and also 14 Vel Street, Deanside Vic 3336.
For the timebeing please use 14 Vel Street, Deanside Vic 3336.
We are completing some plumbing work near the 1 Murugan Street, Deanside Vic 3336 entrance as soon as its completed you will have both access.
After so many years, now we don’t have to drive through potholes, mud and dust to get to the Temple! We now have properly sealed roads all the way to the Temple, with street lights and also a proper Car Park. We thank all of you for putting up with the rough and dusty roads, with patience until now.
Best wishes
Temple Management.